Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Emily's 100wc, Week 4, Term 3

...I could see the finish line, then...

The engine roared as I steadily forced my foot down on the accelerator. I surged past the competitor in 1st place. I was going 250 kilometers per hour. I heard the commentator say, “Car 21 is in the lead, but followed closely by Car 16.” I could hear the engine of Car 16. He was close. Panic rushed through me. I could see the finish line, then my car started to roll, flipping upside down. A ringing noise pierced through my ears as my head slammed against the side of the car. Car 16 roared past me. I had lost.

~ Emily

1 comment:

  1. From the start I can tell this race is going to be interesting I like the use of the word 'roared' it shows just how loud the car is. You've used some great descriptive words throughout and I like how you've also described your emotions it makes me feel more involved as a reader. Well done!
