Thursday, 11 August 2016

Kate's 100WC Week 4


...I could see the finish line, then...

A Second Later

I consciously viewed the track. I had trained years to get there, my aspiration since I was 4. I represented New Zealand. A voice boomed, “All Men’s Road Race competitors to the starting line”. I advanced to the starting line.

I was third. I could see the finish line, then, a sharp stick punctured my tyre. I couldn’t finish. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Not from pain, just sheer terror. I let my country down. I limped to the finish line.

The kiwi fans were ecstatic. New Zealand’s other representative, had won! I started crying. This time, tears of happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Kate what a great story about a gracious loser; a nice moral to your story. You've done a wonderful job writing about all the emotions felt by the main character, from sadness and disappointment to the joy of a teammate winning the race. Really nice work; I enjoyed your story very much.
