Friday, 5 August 2016

Emily's 100 Word Challenge, Week 2, Term 3

...But how would I know…

Massive, dark clouds approach, swirling around in the sky. Suddenly, a tornado hurdles towards me. The tornado swoops me off my feet. When will this tornado stop? Will I survive? But how would I know? I start to feel dizzy and overwhelmed. Everything goes pitch black as I faint.

I awake to find myself anchored to the ground, with no energy to move. I struggle to my feet. I feel startled for my vision is blurred and it’s almost impossible to make any sense of where I am.

I emerge from bed and realize that it was just a dream.  

~ Emily

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emily,

    What an interesting experience to have in a dream. Perhaps thoughts of being swept up by a tornado came from memories of "The Wizard of Oz" and Dorothy? It can be strange when we look into where dreams come from and if they mean something. Well done.

    Your use of present tense brought your readers into the scene as it happened. This can help build the tension in a story as we share "now" with you. Despite all of the potential of what might happen next, sleep ends and we have the realisation it was a dream experience. Dreams, both good and bad, can seem so real until the real world returns.

    I hope you can continue entering the 100WC and sharing your adventures with the world. It's a great way of developing your writing skills.

    Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (Retired), N.S.W., Australia
